Stitch Fix Review – Fashion Over 60

Stitch Fix Review – Fashion Over 60

Stitch Fix has been on my radar for some time, as I had watched a few YouTubers unbox, try on and review this clothes subscription service.  Finally I thought it was time to bite the bullet, particularly as I was looking for a jumper to wear for Christmas and not one with a Santa or reindeer! So I took the plunge, went online and ordered my first box.

So what is Stitch Fix exactly and how does it work?  Well, it’s an online subscription service which sends you five items every month or every two months, and you can decide whether you want to purchase some or all of them.  You can select them yourself or your dedicated fashion stylist will select them for you. You pay £10 if you decide you don’t want any of the items, or simply pay for one or more of the items if you do.

Once you’re on the site, you input details and the kind of clothes that you’re looking for, and your price points for each item, then they put together a box of five items for you which they style – so giving you an example of what you might wear with what. 


pink trousers stitch fix for blog

I wasn’t hopeful, if I’m honest, that the stylist would be able to find something to suit me, as on what they call the Style Shuffle, the outfits didn’t look like my cup of tea – to be fair they do give you lots of options which you can say yeah or nay to, but the nays far outweighed the yeahs. Still, I was ready to be brought out of my comfort zone because my uniform tends to be skinny jeans and an oversized top, and I stick to neutrals and rather monochromatic look, so I thought it’d be fun to see what someone else would think would suit me.

When you set up your details, you’re asked what brands you like, and at some point you are able to put in what colours you like or don’t like, although your profile doesn’t actually include that, which is a bit odd. There is obviously an algorithm at play here, but that’s to be expected with an online service.

The box arrived just before Christmas and you have a six or seven day turnaround by which you have to return any unwanted items. In the box is a note from your stylist with a card showing how you might style the outfits. In this instance I had said I only wanted tops and trousers, no shoes, bags or jewellery, and I had selected one of the items in advance, the Christmas jumper, which turned out to be more of a long-sleeved T shirt. And in fact that was the best item in the box.

The other items were, if I’m honest, really not my bag at all! I received a green jumper, a blouse and two pairs of trousers, and they were in my opinion poor quality. I was really surprised as I’d indicated on sign up that I shopped at Jigsaw and Whistles, two mid-priced stores in the UK, as well as Arket, Cos and And Other Stories, but these pieces looked as though they had come from much cheaper brands. Their site specifies that they use Whistles, J Brand and others of that price point but so far they’ve not offered me anything from those brands.

stitch fix what I didn't keep dec 22

You can watch me try on the pieces below or on my YouTube channel – and there’s a £15 discount code available in the info box over on youtube.

However, I haven’t given up and I have booked another fix for February. I can see the advantages of this type of service, as it saves you trawling through websites or physical stores, and I can imagine it would be particularly helpful if you were looking for a whole outfit for an occasion. Also, there is something quite fun about handing over your style to an outsider and seeing what they come up with – that, in theory, should be the fun of it!

And I have worn my T-shirt post-Christmas!

Star T'shirt.

Before you toddle off.

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